Foolish questions

But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes 2 Tim. 2:24

Have you ever had someone who has never read the Bible criticize the Bible? There are many foolish questions that are abstract and philosophical that are just a distraction from the truth.

Indeed many of the Bible’s biggest critics are people who don’t even know what’s in it! And then there are those that do have some knowledge but they don’t know the difference between the modern versions and the preserved word of God in the KJV.

Avoid foolish questions..

When Eve was in the garden and the serpent asked “yeah hath God said”.. and he proceeded to add to the word of God saying God said she couldn’t eat from every tree in the garden..

Eve would have done better to not engage, resist and walk away. How many times do people ask foolish questions and they really don’t have any faith in God’s ability to preserve his word.

I had a pastor tell me.. “so you think you are the only one who has the truth and everyone else is wrong?” Foolish question. The question isn’t about what person is right.. the right question is which book has all of God’s words in it. Does God really expect us to look and compare all these versions and be able to figure out which one has the best wording where there are hundreds of differences and 17 verses are completely removed? And there are key verses that are called into question because they weren’t in the “older versions”. Tomfoolery!!! God is not the author of confusion.

Every bible version takes out the word study in 2 Timothy 2:15 except the King James.. so of course people following the modern versions don’t know that they were given a brain that is able to study and know what book is from God and what isn’t.

When we study, we compare spiritual things with spiritual things.. we sort things out in our minds and we are able to slowly comprehend the Big Picture.

18 times in the Kjv, Paul is identified as OUR apostle today. He is God’s spokesman of the revelation of the mystery. Romans 16:25. He has given us the commandments for us today just as Moses gave Israel the law.

Check out the book of Galatians or 1 Corinthians with this in mind and you will see how much his authority has been opposed from the beginning of his ministry. People have put other teachers alove him, but Paul says:

For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. 1 Corinthians 4:15

Paul is our apostle. If you want to know Jesus, read Paul’s letters first.. romans through Philemon.. read Acts.. then read Paul’s letters in the order they were written.. slowly, your eyes will be opened to the riches of God’s grace and you will never be the same. It’s all there in the King James Version. Don’t worry about the words you don’t understand.. keep reading and you will get it in time.. pray before you read, after you read, and while you read. You will be transformed if you read it and believe it. I am a witness of the transforming power of the word of God. Our God is an awesome God, and author, and teacher and he enlightens our understanding as we seek himđź’—

Published by Women of Faith

This blog is dedicated to women and those around them who are seeking to know Jesus Christ. I am a follower of Christ, Jesus, my Lord and Savior, the mother of two, the wife of a dedicated, godly husband and a student of God's word. Thankful for the wonderful male pastors and teachers that equip the body of Christ so that we can know God's will for us today. I encourage you to search through the scriptures and find men of God that teach the bible rightly divided to compare the things I write about. I may be wrong in some points but the scriptures are always right!! Examine your faith and test the things I share and any teacher As well to see if It lines up with the word of God. His word is his complete revelation to me of who He is and His will for us!! Matt. 4:4, Luke 4:4 The purpose of this blog is to encourage you to continue learning and searching through the scriptures and see if these things be so!! God is teaching us things in this day that is available because of the Internet!! Let's not be slothful and take for granted the riches of understanding that is coming to the body of Christ today. I thank you for your time and considering the things I write and seek it out to see if it is so in the scriptures.

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